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ViscoPlus BioMedical Group - Experts in Hyaluronic Acids for joint health, aesthetics and ophthalmology

ViscoPlus BioMedical Group – Experts in Hyaluronic Acids for joint health, aesthetics and ophthalmology Leave a comment

Osteoarthritis Quantitive deficiency of synovial fluids

Qualitative deficiency of synovial fluids may be very efficiently supplemented by ViscoPlus®. Visco-supplementation with ViscoPlus® minimizes pain – improves joint mobility, positivly influences synovial metabolism. ViscoPlus® is a hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, that is certified for intra-articular injections in all synovial joints like knee, hip, shoulder, mandibular joint, etc. The therapy with ViscoPlus® consists of 3 injections that should be made by qualified personnel. The targets of the therapy are to reduce the pain in passive state and movement, extend the walking distances, to enable to return to routine activities.

Injections of highly purified sodium hyaluronate = increase of viscoelasticy and quality of synaval fluid

Qualitative deficiency of synovial fluids may be very efficiently supplemented byViscoPlus®.
Visco-supplementation with ViscoPlus®minimizes pain – improves joint mobility, positivly influences synovial metabolism. ViscoPlus® is a hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, that is certified for intra-articular injections in all synovial joints like knee, hip, shoulder, mandibular joint, etc. The therapy withViscoPlus® consists of at least 3 up to maximum 5 injections that should be made by qualified personnel. The targets of the therapy are to reduce the pain in passive state and movement, extend the walking distances, to enable to return to routine activities.

ViscoPlus® is certified for intra-articular injections in all synovial joints like knee, hip, shoulder, mandibular joint, etc.

Rejuvenation of synoval fluid in one infiltration

ViscoPlus®Gel is a modified bio-engineered high viscosity hyaluronic acid for treatment of osteoarthritis in a single injection (!) Such therapy should be repeated on average every 6 months.
The high molecular weight combined with a high concentration of sodium hyaluronate inViscoPlus®Gel are the key factors of long-term efficacy in the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis, by replacing for the qualitative and quantitative insufficiency of sodium hyaluronate in the synovial fluid of osteoarthritic joints.

best viscoelasticity is the way to rejuvenate the synovial fluid

ViscoPlus Matrix is a bio-engineered high molecular matrix of fermentative hyaluronic acid for long time solution in just single infiltration.

  • Iong term single infiltration therapy in 6 -12 monthly intervals 
  • optimally stabilised synthetic substitute of synovial fluid of extremely high viscoelasticity.
  • high viscoelasticity of ViscoPlus® matrix is adopted to endogenous synovial fluid quality (!)

ViscoPlus® matrix matches the viscous character of autogenous synovial fluid and resumes its original lubricative and shock absorbing functions that rehabilitate at maximum the rejuvenation process in a articular cavity 

The net result is a decrease in joint pain and an improvement in joint function which shall last on average six months up to one year (!)

We are BioMedical B. Baumann Co. official representative of in Georgia.

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